
USAP Alum Terrens Muradzikwa Awarded Rhodes Scholarship

USAP alumnus Terrens Muradzikwa was honored today (25 November 2017) to be awarded the sole Rhodes Scholarship in Zimbabwe this year to study at Oxford University starting in 2018.  Terrens, currently a final year Economics student at Harvard College in Massachusetts, hails from Mutare.  He attended Marist Nyanga High School when he was recruited into … Continue reading USAP Alum Terrens Muradzikwa Awarded Rhodes Scholarship

Attention Student-Athletes, Application for 2018 Cohort Now Open!

Calling all budding Student-Athletes in Lower or Upper 6! The EdMatters team has launched another intake for a student-athlete cohort to begin next year. If you or someone you know is a high achieving athlete and a solid academic student please apply on the following link for a chance to be selected for the 2018 … Continue reading Attention Student-Athletes, Application for 2018 Cohort Now Open!

Zimbabwe Career Connect 2018 Application is Open!

It’s November and that means Zimbabwe Career Connect Application season has begun! If you are a student studying in the U.S, Canada, Ashesi and ALU consider applying for the Zimbabwe Career Connect 2018 cohort for a two month intensive professional experience in Zimbabwe coupled with peer networking and professional mentoring. The ZCC program matches students … Continue reading Zimbabwe Career Connect 2018 Application is Open!

USAP Perspectives: Take a Risk – Dance!

Imagine this scenario. I am a thick-boned, black girl standing in a break dancing formation amongst Asian boys. All eyes are on us in anticipation of a frenzy of back flips and life defying stunts. However, I have never danced in my life except for that one time at my aunt’s wedding in 2012. I … Continue reading USAP Perspectives: Take a Risk – Dance!

USAP Perspectives: The Simple Things

When someone tells you that you need to appreciate the simple things in life because there is a chance you could lose it all, you might probably think the following: “Lamest cliché ever…” “That will never happen to me…” “Seriously?  Do I look that gullible to you?” “Someone grab a pizza to spread all this … Continue reading USAP Perspectives: The Simple Things

USAP Perspectives: To Make Them Count

Had I been told that I would be enriching my mind in one of Philadelphia’s quiet suburbs, I would have deemed that prophecy a faux pax. Had I been told that I would lead a life of Independence 10,000 miles away from home, I would have scoffed at the thought. Nonetheless, the desire to learn … Continue reading USAP Perspectives: To Make Them Count

USAP Perspectives: ALU – The Never Ending Story

Let me start with the bad news: There I was freshly baked from the high school oven, tired, uneasy, stressed yet optimistic that the future had something special in store for me. Final high school exams had dealt with me thoroughly and I knew exactly what my harvest would look like. My concentration and attention … Continue reading USAP Perspectives: ALU – The Never Ending Story

USAP Perspectives: Becoming a Smithie

I sat there with my paper in my hand and read what was written on it. This was my first Sabbath at Amherst college with ACTS (Adventist Christians Together to Serve), a Five College group of Adventists who come together to worship. We introduced ourselves and shortly we had an exercise; we were given paper … Continue reading USAP Perspectives: Becoming a Smithie