The month of September marked our Annual USAP Global Anniversary and the theme for this year was USAP Re-ignited 2023. In past years, the day has usually been marked by a run/walk/bike campaign for USAP; however, this year we celebrated in smaller geographical groups concurrently with the goal for USAP alumni and their families in different regions to gather, connect and re-ignite their USAP flame.

The USAP re-ignited 2023 anniversary was celebrated with multiple family-friendly regional gatherings in the various world locations where our Alums reside. We were delighted that 12 regions met up either on the 23rd or 30th of September. Some of our Alumni gathered on the 23rd in Atlanta, Bulawayo, The Bay Area, The Carolina’s, Chicago, Harare, Indiana, Minnesota, Nairobi, and Toronto. New York, and Seattle met on the 30th of September. In Harare the team went on a road trip to Marondera to tour the USAP Community School permanent campus site. Atlanta, Chicago, The Carolina’s, The Bay Area, and Nairobi shared home cooked meals at the residence of an alumni. Boston, Bulawayo, Seattle, New York, Minnesota and Toronto had outings with a braai, restaurant meal and some games.

USAP is an awesome multigenerational and impactful network spanning over 20 years of achievements, professionalism, collaboration and friendship. The past few COVID and post-COVID years have brought numerous changes to everyone’s lives with some having moved apartments, cities, countries and continents. Having so much to talk and connect about with new folks were the sentiments shared at the gatherings.

We are grateful to the regional volunteer coordinators who hosted, arranged logistics and made the events possible to boost alumni engagement. Thank you to all the USAP alumni and friends who participated in the events and who donated online via the Build the USAP Community School in Zimbabwe campaign.